Are you feeling overwhelmed? Not making the progress you want?

Let’s work together to find the path forward.

A 4-layered pyramid with Implement, Manage, Strategize, and Vision layered bottom to top. The top two layers are labeled 'Decisions' and the bottom layers are labeled 'Actions'.

The layers of business operations show how important it is to set aside separate time for decision-making related to your business vision and strategy.

You started your business because you wanted freedom—but that may feel really out of reach when you think about everything that has to be done to run your business.

It’s easy to get lost in everything you need to do to work in your business—the client work, leading your team, and all of that administrative work.

But what about all the work that needs to be done on your business? You know, the strategy—and all of the projects you need to implement to move your strategy forward.

It’s a challenge to zoom out and think strategically about your business when you’re immersed in the day-to-day.

You know that you owe it to yourself and your team to be strategic though—and to be organized about your strategy—so that everyone’s day-to-day efforts remain aligned with your business goals. If you’re not doing that, then you’re just spinning your wheels.

So where do you begin?

Our Strategic Planning Intensive is designed to provide you with clarity, direction, and a plan.

With your customized plan in place, you can expect to have:

  • Clarity about the projects you need to accomplish over the next year to move your strategic priorities forward.

  • A filter to run new ideas through to determine if they align with your overall plan.

  • An organized way of involving your team in your strategic projects.

  • A better understanding of which new contractors or employees you may need to bring into your business to fulfill your strategic plan.

  • A sense of feeling reconnected to your business and purpose.

    • Business foundations workbook to ensure you have your business goals, mission, vision, values, ideal client, and personal boundaries solidified before we dive into your strategic planning sessions. 

    • Three-two-hour strategic planning sessions where we’ll dive deep into your business in seven key areas to determine your most high-priority projects:

      • Financials/Growth

      • Operational Efficiency

      • Visibility

      • Client Experience

      • Product and Service Development 

      • Team Experience/Scaling

      • Personal and Professional Growth.

    • Your plan mapped out in your preferred Project Management tool (or Trello, if you’re not using a PM tool currently) with it broken down into monthly projects. 

    • A project template to use in your preferred Project Management tool (or Trello) to manage each month’s active projects.  

    • A guide with the actionable next steps to stay on track with your plan throughout the year.

    Timeline: 2-3 weeks

    Investment: $3,500

    Pre-Requisite: None

*For the best booking experience, please complete your booking from a desktop or laptop computer.

Ready for clarity, direction, and an actionable plan?

*For the best booking experience, please complete your booking from a desktop or laptop computer.